These activities focus on integrating the results of the public preference voting cited in the final PORTSfuture Outreach Report with the overall plan for site reindustrialization. Activities contribute to informing the end-state configuration for the site and may expedite property transfer for reindustrialization, thus supporting DOE’s efforts to reduce the EM footprint at PORTS.
Engaging community members and other site stakeholders in activities to educate, inform and solicit input on site future use planning. All site repurposing and ongoing outreach activities carried out in the form of a collaborative effort among Ohio University (OU), DOE, and SODI, the local community reuse organization.
Applied environmental activities in the areas of site habitat characterization, in situ PCB sampling, groundwater model review, and primary headwater streams and wetlands mitigation conceptual design.
Designed to encourage regional students to learn about and engage in activities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) disciplines with the goal of encouraging students to pursue careers in these in-demand fields that provide well-paying employment opportunities.
Provides valuable information to the public at large about projects related to OU activities conducted at the DOE Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PORTS) site near Piketon, Ohio and University of Kentucky activities at the DOE PDGP site in Paducah, Kentucky.